Time is on my side ...

Physics week 1

Ah time,  where do I even begin! Since I can recall, time has always seemed mischievously  mysterious. I can recall the first time I had an understanding of a unit of time. How long a sec was, as well as a minute. I recall my mom telling me that she would come and get me from my friends house in an a half an hour and I was thrilled because that felt like a good amount of time I had left to play with my friend. However, that flew by in what felt like a second.  This connects to Einstein's theory of relativity. If I get this concept correctly, the rate time flows, is dependent on where one is, as well as how fast one is traveling. So time isn't consistent! Mind blowing!!!

I thought it was interesting in class when everyone was discussing their personal experience with time. Some people spoke about when they were having a good time doing something that they loved doing, time slowed down. I recall that one person was talking about his engagement with martial arts has changed his reaction time. For myself, when I am in the midst of doing something I love, I feel like time speeds up. And when I am working on something difficult weather that be cycling or writing a paper time seems to almost stand still.

Time is so very valuable, the time we share with our loved ones, the way in which we 'spend" our time ( I feel that that is such an odd term but can not think of a better way to put it), our perception and relationship with time is something to reflect upon and engage with often. I have found myself saying I wish I had more hours in a day, but if there was more hours in a day what would actually be different? How many hours in a day am I actually being productive/ able to spending on my studies? how much time does it take to really understand something? Is time a good way to measure  something like cognitive understanding?  This is my 3rd term and I have had to really come to terms with time and what I am able to achieve with my time constraints. I am stating to have a better understanding with myself about how long somethings take to engage with. Time is interesting because it is an abstraction as well as literal and we have the understanding that it is relative, which is all such a trip.  I used to have a hard time conceptualizing how much time I would need to say get ready in the morning until I broke my morning routine down into Min's and I was always underestimating how much time I allotted myself, frequently feeling that I was lacking in time when in fact I was the one not giving myself the time.


  1. wait until you have a baby to also get ready in the morning---lol

  2. I like that you highlight that time with our loved ones are valuable. I feel that we often don't appreciate the time we have with someone until we are out of time. Such as when a loved one dies. When someone passes away or moves away, we tend to reflect on the time we had with them or lack of time. Today many of us spend to much time in our heads and on our phones we lose the time to embrace experiences and moments.

    Time is a blessing, and that is why I love having the practice of mediation. It helps me try to remember to live in each moment and find stillness.

  3. I am glad you are optimistic about time being on your side. That's a good starting point. I see that you are using practice and iterations to improve your use of time. As far as time being both literal and an abstraction is an astute observation. I think you would find that if you had more hours in the day those hours would be less valuable to you. It's better this way.


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