
Showing posts from May, 2018

Time is on my side ...

Physics week 1 Ah time,  where do I even begin! Since I can recall, time has always seemed mischievously  mysterious. I can recall the first time I had an understanding of a unit of time. How long a sec was, as well as a minute. I recall my mom telling me that she would come and get me from my friends house in an a half an hour and I was thrilled because that felt like a good amount of time I had left to play with my friend. However, that flew by in what felt like a second.  This connects to Einstein's theory of relativity. If I get this concept correctly, the rate time flows, is dependent on where one is, as well as how fast one is traveling. So time isn't consistent! Mind blowing!!! I thought it was interesting in class when everyone was discussing their personal experience with time. Some people spoke about when they were having a good time doing something that they loved doing, time slowed down. I recall that one person was talking about his engagement with martial arts

MDMA Therapy

Chemistry week 1 I read the article in class regarding the MAPS research on the use of MDMA, physiotherapy and PTSD. I have heard a bit of buzz about this experiment and the process of trials getting approved by the F.D.A.  earlier in the month. I know a tiny bit about the company MAPS and I am very intrigued in their work, their approach and research. Also,  I have read about other forms of therapy using psilocybin helping people with terminal illness. This work is fascinating to me and I believe can truly help many people that are in serious need. It is pretty radical and I am honestly I am a wee bit surprised the F.D.A is going forward with the trials just by the nature of the using psychotropic drugs. The article felt very vague and wasn't very through. It raised more questions then anything. What kinds of physiotherapy were they doing? For the patients that had positive response, how long did the effects last? What is the setting that they were in while having an 8 hour th

Carbon and my foot print

Chemistry Week 2 In class we discussed ways in which we can lower our carbon foot print. The article my group read was very straight forward and simple perhaps a little obvious however (without coming off as a snob) it is important to approach massive issues into digestible pieces. Things that perhaps many people might be able to change habit wise. I was thinking about what else I might do to help reduce my carbon foot print... A little back story, I lived in San Francisco for about 10 years when I my partner and I made the decision to move to the burbs. We moved into a fairly large new apartment complex in Walnut Creek. This is the first time I have ever lived in a newer complex and we actually have energy efficient amenities. I am pretty shocked by it still. It is amazing what insulation does to keep a space cool or keep a space warm. There are even rapid car chargers in the garage for those who have electric cars. I don't have one but I like that they are available. I in the

Tangental thoughts on Cetaceans and intelligence

Biology Week 1 I have been reflecting upon this article for the past few weeks. A few things have stuck with me, the understanding that Cetaceans are able to send an auditory projection is fascinating. They have large limbic systems which is associated with emotions. Their limbic system of the brain is so large that it connects with the cortex, which is cognitive thinking. The placement of the brain structures also, indicates that there is a self awareness and well as social awearness. Dolphins and Whales have always seemed so wise,  deeply intelligent and beautifully emotional, so this understanding of them feels rather fluid to me. Perhaps I am anthropomorphizing them, however that is not my intention. I wonder what that is like to experience an auditory projection from a whale or a dolphin,  receive the message and understand the meaning of it. I could day dream about that for a long while. I am looking forward to more research on this topic. I often dream about the ocean and i

a little intro

A little Haiku about me ... A human this time Midwest born Cali raised Global citizen 💥 Hi I am Sam Joslyn! I live in the East bay,  I am an Esthetician and co run a little studio in Berkeley.This blog is to document my path and my studies through my classes this summer term 2018 in  Biology, Physics and Chemistry!💥