Tangental thoughts on Cetaceans and intelligence

Biology Week 1

I have been reflecting upon this article for the past few weeks. A few things have stuck with me, the understanding that Cetaceans are able to send an auditory projection is fascinating. They have large limbic systems which is associated with emotions. Their limbic system of the brain is so large that it connects with the cortex, which is cognitive thinking. The placement of the brain structures also, indicates that there is a self awareness and well as social awearness. Dolphins and Whales have always seemed so wise,  deeply intelligent and beautifully emotional, so this understanding of them feels rather fluid to me. Perhaps I am anthropomorphizing them, however that is not my intention. I wonder what that is like to experience an auditory projection from a whale or a dolphin,  receive the message and understand the meaning of it. I could day dream about that for a long while. I am looking forward to more research on this topic.

I often dream about the ocean and its might, sometimes the sea is threatening, sometimes looming and other times it is tranquil and beautiful. I had a dream a about a month ago that I was able to hear the whales singing. I woke with start and felt a deep sorrow and I can not quite articulate how this was conveyed to me but I had a feeling that I have to help protect the salmon, and to not eat them. This might sound too woo woo, but the message was loud and clear.

The concept that humans are at the tippy top of the intelligential kingdom has never sat quite right with me. sure we are smart breakdown the earth in a way that has created mass distraction and co. I often think Bees, trees and fungi are perhaps the most intelligent.



  1. Hi Sam, I too have been pondering the concept of anthropomorphization. On the one hand we are taught that we should not project human emotions onto animals, on the other hand as time passes there is growing realization of the rich language, emotions, and intellect of animals. I read somewhere that elephants have a rich language that the human ear unaided can't hear, and that an elephant language dictionary is currently being compiled. Along with cetaceans, there are many other animals with complex language. So, your right, we need to rethink what it means to anthropomorphize, given that what was considered human-only characteristics is common in many other species.


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